Agricultural weed and pest-killer chemicals often generally called pesticides are widely employed for plants protection from harmful organisms. They could be divided into the following groups depending on their usage:
- Bactericides (are used to fight bacterium);
- Herbicides (are used for weeds control);
- Insecticides (are used to fight insects that are harmful to plants);
- Fungicides (are used to fight bacterium, viruses and fungus).
Pesticides can be divided into the following groups depending on their composition: Fluor organic, Chlorine organic, containing carbamide, coprum, arsenic, Mercury organic and others.
The pesticide’s composition and the way it is applied define the possible routes of the chemical’s penetration into the human body: respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, through skin or mucous tissue. The same defines personal protection equipment necessary to protect from pesticides.
Working with many kinds of pesticides will require the following types of personal protection equipment: respirator protecting from aerosols, gas or combined gas and aerosols protection; protective goggles, gloves and clothes.
Please, notice, that the information below shall be regarded only as general information. We cannot take into account the real working conditions. The information provided shall not be considered as a recommendation to use certain PPEs in your working processes.